Procrastination Style Survey Results


Thanks to everyone who completed the Procrastination Style Survey.  The above pie chart breaks the respondents’ procrastination style by percentages.  Some other results from the survey included:

  • Many respondents indicated their procrastination style was a combination.
  • Age did not seem to have an impact on procrastination style.
  • Eleven percent of the respondents were male, 89% female.
  • The only category that appeared to have a correlation related to gender was over-giver.  None of the male participants indicated they were over-givers.

I have to be honest… I procrastinated on sharing the results of the survey.  My excuse is life got busy; but the truth is a combination of the characteristics of an over-giver, perfectionist and crisis-maker got in my way.  So how do I deal with it?  For me, keeping structure in my life is an effective strategy for staying on track.  Structure keeps me focused.  No matter how busy I get or what unexpected surprises drop in my path, if I am steadfast about my daily structure, it’s amazing what I can accomplish.

Check back here soon.   Over the next few posts, I’ll give some concrete suggestions for dealing with each type of procrastination style.  But for now, start with structure!

4 responses to “Procrastination Style Survey Results

  1. Really interesting and so true.

  2. Maybe we don’t like to admit, even to ourselves,what perfectionists we really are. lol Not sure that I owned up to it yet l spend ages simply checking and rechecking posts and comments…

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